The region today occupied by Hungary was first settled by the Finno-Ugrian Magyar peoples in the 8th century. In the 16th and 17th centuries it came under Austrian domination, lasting until 1867, when Austria-Hungary was formed.
* 1918 Hungarian Republic created as successor state to Austria-Hungary.
* 1919 BΘla K·n leads a short-lived communist government. Romania intervenes militarily and hands power to Admiral Horthy.
* 1938-1941 Hungary gains territory from Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and Romania in return for supporting Nazi Germany.
* 1941 Hungary drawn into World War II on Axis side when Hitler attacks Soviet Union.
* 1944 Nazi Germany preempts Soviet advance on Hungary by invading. Deportation of Hungarian Jews and Gypsies to extermination camps begins. Soviet Red Army enters in October. Horthy forced to resign.* 1945 Liberated by Red Army. Soviet-formed provisional government installed. Imre Nagy introduces land reform.
* 1947 Communists emerge as largest party in second post-war election.
* 1948 Forcible merger of Social Democrats with Communists to establish Hungarian Workers' Socialist Party (HWSP).
* 1949 New constitution; formally becomes People's Republic.
* 1950û1951 First Secretary Rßkosi uses authoritarian powers to collectivize agriculture and industrialize the economy.
* 1953 Imre Nagy, Rßkosi's rival, becomes premier and reduces political terror.
* 1955 Nagy deposed.
* 1956 Rßkosi out. Student demonstrations demanding withdrawal of Soviet troops and Nagy's return become popular uprising. Nagy becomes premier; Kßdßr becomes First Secretary. Nagy announces Hungary will leave Warsaw Pact. Three days later, Soviet forces suppress protests. About 25,000 killed in resistance. Kßdßr becomes premier.
* 1958 Nagy executed following show trial.
* 1968 Kßdßr introduces "New Economic Mechanism" to bring market elements to socialism.
* 1986 Commemoration of the 1956 uprising broken up by police. Economists call for radical change. Democratic opposition demands Kßdßr's resignation.
* 1987 Party reformers establish HDF as a political movement.
* 1988 Federation of Young Democrats forms from independent student group. Kßdßr ousted. Environmental protests force suspension of plans for controversial Danube Dam.
* 1989 Parliament votes to allow independent political parties. Nagy rehabilitated and given full state funeral. First opposition candidate since 1947 elected in by-election. Round-table talks between HWSP and opposition. Parliament approves holding of multiparty elections.
* 1990 Multiparty elections held. HDF wins decisively and Antall's government is sworn in. Speed of economic reform hotly debated.
* 1991 Warsaw Pact dissolved. Last Soviet troops leave.
* 1993 J≤zsef Antall dies. Peter Boross elected prime minister.
* 1994 Hungary agrees to NATO Partnership for Peace initiative. hsp wins general election.